Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Still here - honest
What I might not have mentioned is that I'm also in an evolving relationship with someone who means a lot to me (Anna). Amazing what time and energy all those things together can take up...
I'm still here though, visiting your blogs once in a while and posting now and then.
I just returned from the 12th Annual Gentleman's Cruise A Palooza - a four day boat trip on Kootenay Lake, with a bunch of men friends. This year there was a smaller crew on the Mingulay - seven sailors. Cruising bays and inlets on the the 100 mile pristine lake, hiking, swimming, story-telling, bull-shitting, drinking and eating, card playing, singing around a fire - it was all there (and then there is the 'what happens on board stays on board stories). I came home grimy, stubbly, tired... and very happy.
The nights are cooler now, the days shorter and I hate to announce it, but I can feel fall in the air already. There's even bear poop in the yard some mornings, as they drop by at night to examine the fruit trees.
What's it like in your neck of the woods? Lindsay in Australia must be in the heat of summer and Gfid up north might have seen snow already. Interesting planet we find ourselves on...
And finally, since I AM rambling here... thanks so much Susan for the Kickass Award! I did register there, and will eventually get around to passing it along. Honoured my friend...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Proud dad posts song...
A few of you have asked about my daughter Zoey's music. She writes and performs her own material (vocal and piano). People seem to like her songs - the sweet and light ones and the more angst-ridden or deeper lyrics. I like them all but am biased and based on my own singing ability, have to question her paternity sometimes...
Thanks to fellow blogger and New Yorker extraordinaire Nova, I now have a link to one of Zoey's songs if you want a listen. Here's one of those I'd call sweet and light - it's called This is a love song
Thanks Nova.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The beat was kept
Check out some of the musicians (and their tunes):
James Lamb
Aspen Switzer
Miss Emily Brown
Mushana Marimba
Gemma Luna
Moither Mother
Kasia Juno
My daughter Zoey performed too - if anyone can tell me how to put an MP3 on the blog, I'll post one of her songs.
As the bookkeeper, roadie, police liaison, dad for all requests and orders... I was pooped for days.