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Friday, April 02, 2010

It's April

Is anyone else alarmed at how quickly 2010 is speeding by? I've read that as we get older, the past stretches out more and more slowly and the future flies by more and more quickly. Then... well we all know how it ends.

Time is elusive, and I know this is all about perception of time. As a child, there wasn't too much to see looking over my memory-shoulder and it seemed to take so long for the next grade in school to arrive, for a birthday to come... for the dentist to finish his nastiness in my mouth.

Now, I look back and wow - it goes all the way back to the pre-computer and pre-space age. I wore a Davy Crockett cap and watched Buck Rogers on the big screen. I lived in France only a decade after World War II ended (playing in bunkers and picking up souvenirs). That's a long, slow way back.

Now I can almost smell 2011.

Not disturbed...just noting.

Speaking of dentists, are you one of those who hasn't seen this yet?

I suspect I've been even less rational on a number of occasions coming home from the dentist.
And yet, the future still holds promise and – at times - seems endless.
Our hard-earned hindsight (gained from that stretched out past) has taught us to treasure the moments.
We’re aging like fine wine, right?

Happy Easter to you & yours!
Hi Gary – I share your alarm about how quickly 2010 is speeding up. There are no longer many idle moments in one’s mind filled with more and more recollections with each passing life event.

As a child I also recall how long the days stretched out especially just prior to Christmas until, at last, I could finally open my presents – not that they were anything special by today’s standards. But to me at the time, time seemed endlessly slow.
I lived in the country and we found many war time relics to amuse ourselves including a deserted air raid bunker not far from an aerodrome but obscured in the bush complete with an old phone. What a discovery! It soon consumed our interest for many long happy hours of pretend war games during the fifties.
Best wishes
if we could have back all those hours that seemed too long..... if we could make a little incision in the hours we have now, and plump them up by stuffing them with the 'extra' from before..... if flowers didn't wither, and favorite shoes lasted forever... if love was enough to keep those we love with us.

David.... i have a son named David. he inherited his father's troublesome teeth, and spent a lot of time at the dentist as a wee lad. never as amusing as this fellow, though.
It's SPRING! Although I thought winter would NEVER end, I do agree that time seems to be flying. Four months into 2010!?! Life is but a breath. Live it up, friend!

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