Tuesday, October 27, 2009
350 on the beach

Does it matter? Damn right it does. We all need to act so that we're acting... and so that our leaders begin to follow.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Oct 24 Day of Action
350.org is an international campaign dedicated to building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis--the solutions that science and justice demand. Our mission is to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis—to create a new sense of urgency and of possibility for our planet. Our focus is on the number 350--as in parts per million, the level scientists have identified as the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere. But 350 is more than a number--it's a symbol of where we need to head as a planet.
Check out this grassroots movement and do something on October 24th if you can. This song is inspirational too (to me at least).
Happy to hear your comments fellow earthlings...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sri Lanka situation desperate ...
On a related note, a ship with what might be 76 Tamil men aboard, was intercepted before illegally landing on Canada's west coast. The government is crowing about 'not being an easy target for illegal arrivals' and 'being tough on these queue jumpers' blah blah blah. While we don't want economic migrants or other illegal immigrants arriving this way, here is a NOTE TO MINISTER:
Refugees with a well-founded fear of persecution are not queue jumpers and don't have the opportunity to immigrate as others. They arrive illegally sometimes because they are fleeing for safety. International laws protect them.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Further north...further west
On an interesting and exciting note, when I arrived at the B&B in Masset, one of the two other guests was David Suzuki. All Canadians will know who I mean and perhaps others as well. He's a renowned scientist, broadcaster (The Nature of Things on television for e.g.) and ardent and annoying-to-those-in-power environmentalist. He gave a great speech in the local church hall and another one over beer back in the B&B.
Dock in Prince Rupert - I got the co-pilot seat
Islands in Hecate Strait - over to Haida Gwaii
Up close on the rainforest floor - I like this one
Old growth forest floor, near site of the Golden Spruce