Friday, April 07, 2006
You get what you vote for... Harper on the move
Here are a few of the goodies quietly released in Halifax, of all places (I love Halifax, but it's a great place to not get attention).
1. Missile defense: didn't we say 'non, merci' to King Bush and his court? An expensive, weapon-escalating, unproven system in (or near) outer space is not wanted by most Canadians. We certainly don't want to join the fun ... and are ready to ride the rough seas that might result from not playing with our friends. But Harper says it's time to re-think it and maybe we will sign on after all.
2. Kyoto Accord: he's scrapped the Canadian emission targets, closed down the One Ton Challenge and is more or less making the petro-chemical and manufacturing industry happy as a fossil-fuel-wet-dream (can a wet dream be happy... you know what I mean).
3. Same sex marriage - legal across the land... and equal too. He will wait a while, then put the question back to Parliament and see if they'd like to define marriage as between a man and a woman. I suspect he'd just as soon let this go, but many of his supporters love the Christian right stuff (probably love to put on garter belts and make-up too... the guys I mean).
4. I like things in groups of 3, but this one is important too. First Nations people signed an accord with the last government in August. It would put a lot of money and effort into reducing some of the unbelievable conditions that many indigenous people in Canada live in. It would support housing, education, self government and a number of other areas. Harper says his government will honour the 'spirit' of the agreement, but not the agreement (or the money no doubt).
Okay, that's it for Canadian Politics 101 for our visitors. No one said it would be fun! As for you Canucks reading this - there should be an election within a couple of years. Maybe we can let the other guys out of their room ... or even give the NDP a chance at the steering wheel for a change. Meanwhile, it's time to be alert, to ask questions, to write letters and to speak out.
Now your turn bloggers!
Why is George Bush disguised as a dentist in that picture?
I think it's George's Mexican fiesta look...
Hire an additional 40 personal advisors (Reporting directly to Harper through the chief spin Dr) who search out public opinion and then put a "spin" on the news to fit a contrived political solution in accord with govt policy.
His election promises are to be split into categories, Core and NON core, so when he reverses a previous undertaking it’s simply a non core promise. The categories are fluid enough to change to meet the new challenges!!
Best wishes
I have a friend in Ontario but other than what her and I talk about, I don't know much about Canadian politics.
That said, there's enough shift that we're seeing some things rolled back and we're seeing the government align itself closer to the US on lots of issues.
It's scary.
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