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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Go Tammy! Iraq war veteran wins US primary

This links to a story about Lt Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran who has won the Democratic nomination to run in the November elections in a Chicago district (in a Republican area). She served as a helicopter pilot in Iraq and lost both legs when shot down in 2004.

There are a number of vets running, mostly for the Democrats. Lt Duckworth is opposed to the war in Iraq.

I find it interesting (as an old Vietnam war resister) that it's possible for most of us to separate the military (at least the frontline) from the awful US policies. This is a change and is one that bodes well for common sense.

Men and women are dying while doing their duty as professional soldiers. It's possible to respect that (and grieve) while laying the blame for their losses and those of the Iraqi people on the wrong-headed decisions that got everyone into this mess. This doesn't excuse the behaviour of some who need to be tried for war crimes...

Go Tammy!

I've seen her interviewed on TV and was really impressed by her.

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