Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Morris the Moose Comes to Visit
Recently we saw a bull moose running in a field above our house. An hour later we found him looking in our front door. He stayed around for a couple of hours - eating my shrubs and then taking a nap in the trees right next to our house (just waking up in the photo). We were astounded that such a huge ugly/beautiful wild animal was not afraid.
We learned two days later that he is known as Morris and was cared for as an orphan by people who live about 20 kms away. He wanders all summer and fall and eventually comes home for the winter (and lives with their cattle and sheep). This year, they brought a large horse trailer to our area, attracted Morris in with carrots ... and drove him home for the winter.
Isn't he handsome?
Moose velvet antlers
Like branches among branches
Long-leg forest king
Ah Gary, you got my started, and now I need a Haiku 12-step program!
Gentle giant moose
A rhododendron feast
The plant will grow back
Moose with antlers large
Many hunters in Georgia
Stay in Canada!
Seriously, it's so refreshing to see people who can appreciate wildlife without it being tied to the top of a pick-up truck. The directions to my house include, "turn left at the taxidermist". Really.
They hunt around here too but there are lots of environmentalists too (including some of the finer hunters). I fear for Morris during moose season - he's liable to walk into a hunting camp, hoping for supper and an ear scratch...
Morris' cousin out walking
Funeral for moose
.... and the granny-driver of the little truck now very nervous about nighttime driving.
i wish Morris better fortune.
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