Thursday, November 22, 2007
Best wishes to my Yank (aka American) blogger friends...

Let me simply wish the very best of the holiday to you - love, family, food, friends, fine beverages, good stories, memories of those who have died... and stretch pants for dessert. (I didn't mention shopping and football, which may be on your list of things for today.)
Love to you all.
P.S. We have Thanksgiving in October in Canuckland.
Your majesty
Your highness
That king of thing.
Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you, G.
Scarlet, my dear, my Goddess, your Majesty... I changed the title of the post from Yank to American. I honour you, you feisty gringo.
Or as I like to call it, "Happy Impending Genocide of Native Americans Day."
You know me, I'm a hopeless romantic.
That myth is an interesting piece of information for me...going to learn more about it:)
How are you doing?
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
I know all the words to "Every Sperm is Sacred" and have been known to suddenly start singing the refrain. Having been raised Catholic, it's the least I could do!
Nice to see you here Beth.
Abhay my brother! Haven't visited each other for sometime - I'll be over at your place soon. Hope all is well in your interesting life.
Hi Kris - thanks for dropping by.
Doesn't it take about 5000 of those things on average to catch ONE egg?
I figure that if you have an orgasm .....
OK, let's not go there.
Gary, I had wild turkey - it tasted awesome!
The people we congregated with this year have a hunter in their upper (oh no, I almost said sperm hierarchy) - but I didn't.
Anyway, the stuffing was excellent!
Other than that I have nothing more to report.
Zee - happy to hear of your wild turkey and rant away about sperm counting if you must. I believe it's all in reference to the Monty Python post a few down.
G, it's not that hard. The books always do it. :)
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