Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Is there a shift coming?

My questions to you:
What will fill the vacuum created by this failed right wing, theocratic, war-mongering regime?
Will the Democrats find balls and spines?
Will the world community respect the U.S. again?
Will real security be attained without the loss of human rights?
Will there be a hopeful optimism based on humanity's commonalities rather than divisiveness and fear?
What do you think?
Nothing like the present regime, neither a bright red nor deep blue but whatever party leads it will be in shades of deep green.
Will the Democrats find balls and spines? Not to any marked degree, not under the present election system, unless it be changed and made less expensive and reliant on its massive lenders and pressure lobbyists.
Will the world community respect the U.S. again? Over time …yes.
Will there be a balance found between real security and the loss of human rights?
The 2 need not be joined. I don’t think increased security is contingent on curtailment of human rights ; we are collectively and individually responsible for the wellbeing of our fellow travellers, embodied in our moral obligations and available to us by virtue of our free will. It is folly to react to threats against human rights by curtailing existing human rights and to introduce measures to drastically restrict relative freedoms. The best way to fight terrorism is to refuse to be terrorised, not by giving up on human rights. Introduce more and more security and you generate another fear, a fear of your our own security. Climate concern will ultimately overtake both, for that is the real human security threat!!
Will there be a hopeful optimism based on humanity's commonalities rather than divisiveness and fear? Different type of fears will emerge, but I remain optimistic about a shift in our consciousness, a realisation through globalisation that the world is now a global village, individuality and collectively we are free to make the moral choices, a moral responsibility for all to uphold our wellbeing. So I see progress.
Unfortunately the election is still 1-1/2 years away and the electorate has the attention span of gnats.
So I don't know what will happen.
I'm only with the Democrats because they seem to be the lesser of two evils. Our system doesn't allow a better choice, though.
I think the U.S. could gain some respect, but we're going to have to work hard for that. I hope we're up to it. I don't like being ashamed of my country.
Good questions. I look forward to seeing the answers as events unfold and hope for the best.
Are Canadians proud of the Doodlebops?
Does Gordie Howe believe in Global Warming?
. The Doodlebops are Australian I think, but most Canadian children are very proud of them.
Gordie Howe only believes in being the best hockey player of all time - (and in dropping the gloves whenever necessary).
My answers--
#1: Something not very far away from waht we've got already. The movement is rather entrenched.
#2: They will find very tiny ones that aren't fully developed.
#3: It would be foolish and premature to do so at this point.
#4: No. Both will suffer.
#5: Not much of one around here.
The sad fact is that Mr Bush didn't just pop into office, but lots and lots of people thought that he should be there and they were fairly pleased with all his policies.
Things haven't changed that much.
If it is, we might get somewhere
If it really is just a corporate republic, we're screwed, because nothing will change
I don't know much about US politics or what the average american believes in their political heart but - every empire has its day and then it's over.
Europe is spreading ever eastwards and with Tony Blair gone will there be so much sucking up to the white house from europe?
China is developing at an incredible rate - they will be bigger, and presumably as influential as, the US in a short while, maybe more so. I think it's a new threat to American hearts and minds.
and then there's the effects of climate change...
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