I'm over at facebook more than here...and on twitter now and then too - and simply involved in a busy life. But I can't pull the plug on Withinsight and when I visit, I remember my lovely connections through here. Hello you!
All is good here in Nelson BC. The lake is shimmering today, there are blossoms and verdant greens on the hills and mountains...and still snow up top. Almost makes me forget about the state of the planet and the things that drive me mad (intolerance makes me very intolerant for example).
Some random artifacts from my current time (is that an oxymoron?).
Some songs from the daughter, who continues to do well with all things good. Zoey Ockenden
The son does well too, and goes to Concordia in Montreal this fall for Electroacoustic music - a sample piece here: Ryan Orion
Some photos...click to biggerize them.
The kids in Victoria, BC Easter 2012 |
Moi...at Fletcher Falls near Nelson, BC |
Canada Day last year - can it get more Canadian? |
Nelson waterfront at low water in spring 2012 |