Friday, August 17, 2007

Each poet's name was written on a slip of paper and put in the handmade wooden box (Zoey's school project). The box was shaken (not stirred) and a name was carefully and blindly selected.
The winner is Madcap!
I must say that this is fitting as one of her recent posts is a poem that is most wonderful (see the photo of the raspberry on her site and you're there). Once I have a mailing address, the prize package will be on its way. The contents are entirely unpredictable (just ask previous winners).
The submitted haiku:
Explosion of grouse
Stopped my heart altogether
Then - fast as their wings
- Madcap
I don't see your e-mail contact in your profile Gary, so can you e-mail me? Thanks.
And darn it!
I knew that haiku extolling the benefits of a diet high in fiber needed a bit of work.
I have just about enough time to work it in to a "haiku for a winter's morning." Winter is a great time for a high-fiber diet.
Which reminds me...
I haven't seen one of your columns for a good long time. Still writing them?
Congratulations, Madcap Mum!
You continue to inspire writers and poets with your words, prizes...
How have you been?!
Nice to hear from you Abhay and congratulations on the book. How do we buy a copy?
Do you suppose if I had won the scorpions would have left and found their own sense of place outside of our home? They are no longer just unwanted bedfellows. They have taken to flying from the ceiling fans. Where they land, nobody knows! Weird weather has the most bizarre effects. :) I can only imagine what is to come.
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