Wednesday, August 23, 2006
In the mood for a new season yet?
This is a photo of my nephew Rusty. He's a semi-pro snowboarder/film maker and sent me this last winter. I think it was taken near Whistler BC. I don't do things like this...I board the inner slopes of my mind instead (which can be exciting too, but probably safer).

Our Florida nights haven't cooled yet but I sure will like it when they do. If we can skate through this hurricane season with no hits, it'll be the first time in two years, life will be good. I'm looking forward to cool days and tons of pro football games.
But I long for the winter - I long for the darkness and the snow and the cold. I'm tired of the sun and the heat - winter will be quite OK..
I don't mind fall. I sort of like fall and winter clothing. But I do get tired of bundling the kids up every time we go out after a few months. It seems so humid here right now, I'm ready for summer to end.
what a line -"I board the inner slopes of my mind instead!"
Thank you so much for your kind words and your mail and a post for my loss...
autumn is a good season for walking. :o)
The weather has already turned here in Belgium. Cool, crisp days and cold nights. Unfortunately, the forests are mainly pine, and it just rains all the time. I am craving my native New England right now--I miss the colors, the smell of wood burning fires, the crackle of leaves under my feet. And no one celebrates Halloween here :(
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