Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Summer Poetry Contest

This is the real thing... I have a prize to award! I won't reveal the prize in advance as it may intimidate you into not entering... or you may say, "Jeez - why write one word for that?"
Create a five line poem, in any format, rhyming or not. However, it must begin with this line:
I was young and free on a summer day
Come on now, you all have it in you (and Lindsay, you can change the line to a winter day if you have to stay in the Aussie season.)
P.S. That's a photo of our house, taken from the community garden area at early evening. I like the lighting.
it was pouring rain, real gentle I know
then I left my home, and went astray
ventured the world - moving slow
this summer day, told me to go
This is mine, and here is Wallis contribution:
I was young and free on a summer day
it was July on my seventh birthday
while I was sitting on concrete steps
watching, puzzling over hundreds
of tiny, orange, red creatures called lice.
great idea!
Your house and its surroundings look amazing...a perfect place for poetry...
"I was young and free on a summer day
Walking with my first love
In the garden of thousand blooms
While our souls danced in ecstasy
And that moment we entered into eternity"
Zee, we have an excellent hose too, I can post a photo later. Good work on the poetry, Wallis too.
Abhay, lovely as I would hope from you.
Bohemian, slightly weird and a tad disturbing, but we'll take it as poetry...sounds like you're channeling Cormac MacCarthy or something.
Well - free, as in, you know
Rather than free, as in, not expensive.
Not that I was expensive,
You understand,
There was never any money changing hands
No, the hands changed
Of their own volition
First one thing, then the next
Malleable as a pair of dishgloves
But not smelling so strongly of latex.
I was young and free on a summer's day,
t'was hot in July, Canada Day eh?
So I listened to the music all over Ottawa town
When this street performer came over to me , some freaky clown
said, I like you young lady, but stop talkin' bout "young" and "free", I'm trying to play! ) eh?
Thoughts of space and universe so very far away
Sunbeams on my shoulders, burdens are off my back
Beauty of the bushland leads down my bushland track
Rain forest beckons to me, scents from a gentle breeze
Rustle of natures inhabitants in the tall and slender trees
Noon day hush soon is over, sun rays lay down to rest
Sunset a vision splendour nature shows for me what’s best
Madcap - have you been hitch-hiking around with Jack Kerouac and listening to jazz all night while sipping on red wine? That's a wild, wonderful poem.
Ingrid - I love it! Eh!
Lindsay - you took me to Oz in my mind - lovely.
I was young and free on a summer’s day, as thoughts of space and universe were so very far away.
Sunbeams were on my shoulders, the burdens was off my back.
Beauty of the bushland lead me back to my bush track.
Rain forest before me, its inhabitants enjoy a noonday rest.
As noon day hush is over, as sun lays down to rest, it was my mother nature to show for me what’s best
I'm flattered that you think I'm potentially cool enough to drink red wine with Jack Kerouac! I'm not, but thanks!
Now, what I'd like to know is who has PT been hanging around with? And what's he been imbibing?
although that openner rules out any sort of serious poetry - at least from me!
will be back soon with with something....!
i was young and free on a summer day
and removing my shirt to brown in the hay
succumbed so easily to the hot UV ray
but unconsciously hidden in the way
of an earthly grim reaper; i was toast!
young-ish, i suppose - but didn't cost much
actually, to be honest, middle-aged
and listen, i had these three mouths to feed.
okay - i was old!, and eaten with greed.
(i wish i could compare thee to a summer's day but i can't seem to) ;o)
as hand in hand we strolled through St. James Park
and i laid my coat for you upon that grass
and into each eyes we gazed and i'll always remember
you said, ian. why have you brought your coat on a day like this?
and it was going so well! :o)
I was young and free on a summer day
And I walked, kicking up the dust behind
My tracks covering, yet leaving them, too
But the young don't know about settling dust
And the way our paths can always be found
Don't put me in the drawing! I'm already in your debt! ;) I just enjoyed participating and reading. (Although Zee has me feeling itchy and I'm still laughing at Madcap's changing hands).
I was young and free on a summer day
And I walked, kicking up the dust behind
Covering my tracks, yet leaving them, too
But the young don't know about settling dust
And the way our paths can always be found
Callooh - go ahead and break the rules - it wouldn't be the first time, you poetry rebel you. (You'll still be in the draw).
Ian, you are funny, especially poem number 2... and I always thought your forte was photography.
Jublu - lovely imagry and subtle meaning - I like it a lot.
Lindsay, it's better every time.
Maybe I'll have to publish these poems as a post when all are in.
In the past 2 months, these creatures have wandered through the field: deer, moose, elk, bear and coyote (and maybe some things I didn't see, but I'm sure there was never a 'chrome plated water buffalo' (see Progressive Traditionalist up above).
Pondering my blog-o-verse-a-ray
I knew I was "one"
And the year sure was fun
But the issues and stuff didn't exactly lend themselves to the AABBA rhyme scheme, so I threw up my hands in despair, took a good look at them, noticed they were conspicuously empty and poured myself a celebratory drink.
Since we're not all sitting around the same kitchen table, Chive and I will have to drink one (with suitable solemnity) in your honour, here in Horsebite.
You're on my list of "dailies" ya know. Thanks for keeping me up to date with all the happenings in the big wide world this past year!
i was young and free on a summer day
and out i strolled for to cut the grass
but i was young and i was free
- and on a summer day?!!!
so instead i just sat on my...armchair
(hmmm, needs a better rhyme). ;o)
Lying on the grass keeping thoughts at bay
Jackie running round and round
The perfect moment that stood its ground
Lucky me, now that I'm free.
it was before I went astray
to be lost in a world that only shouts
and doesn't care of your whereabouts
Make up the fucking fifth line to complete the rhyme.
my lips were hot, and I was gay
no not a fag, just a happy young man
trying to seduce whatever I can
but that summer day, has vaned away
when I met Gary and went astray
his pants were fine
and so were mine
is there much more to say?
Hang on, I'm still young aren't I?
And it's summer now
Now free - that's a whole other debate
Let's say, I'm young and "free" on a summer day.
we had split personality, see
we was built that way, like
we believed i was a piece of self assembly furniture
we was always falling apart.
Vee, you are looking lovely in your new photo (and I've met Vee for coffee, she's as lovely in person). Yes, Jackie can come and visit and I'll introduce her to Jake, the neighbour Golden Lab who might just be interested in showing her around.
Ian, you and Zee could be looking at a poetry slam soon - both of you on stage, one poem after the other... bloggers cheering you on. Also Ian, there actually is a very small mowed lawn next to the house, I keep it well mowed to keep the weeds looking green.
And now - there are 2 more days to submit a poem - forget the rules since most of you did anyhow.
Callooh, I know it would be slumming to put one of your poems here, but don't hold back!
I was young and free on a summer day,
Eating babaganoush and olives with an Israeli cafe.
We argue, a fighter jet booms by, a man shouts, ancient river overflows within...
Two tables over - another captures my gaze and smiles with green eternal eyes.
Jublu: thanks a ton!! wow... that was totally out of the blue.
Helen, it is lovely here and the human geography is too. This area is full of artists, writers, activists, healers and conversationalists.
When I decided to go to Gary's house for a good long stay.
It looked so cool, green and pleasant there,
I decided to take in the mountain air.
However, I woke from my dream to the relentless heat & steam.
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