Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Clinton speaks on the big mistake of the Iraq war
Yeah... I wish Bush the Elder would talk to his criminally negligent son, but I heard a rumor that Bush Jr is not even speaking to his dad right now. The rumor is that Bush the Elder pissed off Jr bigtime due to Elder's harsh words about the various WH scandals and souring situation in Iraq. Jr supposedly only speaks to these 4 people every single day: His wife, his mom, Condi Rice, and Karen Hughes. Imagine all that will ya? Dubya refuses to even take constructive criticism from his own father.
Btw - heard that Jeb(?) Bush was thinking of running for President?? yahoo! - yet another Bush for President!! when can you start Jeb??
Bush and his Vice President, Dick Chaney,want,indeed demand that the CIA retain the right to use means to extract information that would clearly not fall within the Geneva Convention ban on cruel and inhuman treatment.
I think the central “theme’ on this phoney "War on terror" is that those involved are “justified” in any means. So I think its unlikeky George Jnr is about to change his mind on the need for the war, it's continunce.
Senator John McCain was defeated, a lone voice of dissent, in his attempts to remove the weapons of torture from secret CIA prisons.
On the CIA,it was reported down under there was questioning in the Canadian parliament by the oppostion party about special CIA secret flights over Canadian air space, transporting Terrorists to friendly allies camps, away from the prying eyes of the world. Your Minister is to investigate the matter?
What's going On ? those Boys from the CIA are clever lot of chaps arn't they ?
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