"Doctor doctor, will I die?"
"Yes my child... and so will I."
It's true for you and me too. Meanwhile, let's find some meaning for ourselves, enjoy the beauty and do things that won't leave a mess for our kids and their kids.
The Terminator has terminated a piece of law passed by the California legislature. This is another interesting example of diverging values at the 49th parallel. While the issue of same sex marriage is contentious on both side of the border - in Canada the majority have little or no trouble with it (and it's legal across Canada now) - in the US the majority are opposed and the religious right have made it one of the key issues of our times. Too bad they aren't on the tolerance, love, sharing of wealth, or swords-to-plowshares bandwagons...
I love the pix of the Gropenator, Gary. I pray for that swing towards the Dems EVERY SINGLE DAY. I have a lil girl in my class who has 2 mommies, and several of my fellow teachers have made derogatory remarks about the moms... but after I blasted those very teachers for being divorced-- so who were they to comment on upholding marriage-- they haven't said those things around me lately, but so help me God, if these self-righteous cows ever say something like that in front of this lil girl, I will consider legal action. She is a well fed, well dressed, VERY well behaved, and good student and kid... I wouldn't care if feral wolves were raising her... as long as she is happy, well loved and cared for.
Gary-- I just wanted to give you the head's up-- I used your Vietnam Vets in Canada link and I gave you a hat tip in my post. Thanks so much for the link.
Sorry about that! I think there is a Canadian flaw these days... a sort of smugness in relation to our American cousins. First, it ain't perfect up here and second, nobody likes a smarty pants! Apologies.
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I live in Nelson BC Canada. I have one lovely Anna, two adult kids (in New York and Montreal), a small house in downtown Nelson, an interesting career as a consultant and lots of other interests, including working for human rights (through Amnesty International and Peace Brigades International mainly).
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